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Two RCA Graduates Marry

Aiden and Gabriella, graduates of RCA Baton Rouge, were brought together by God and how Regina Caeli Academy played a role in their embrace of the beauty and sacrifice of Holy Matrimony.

Living Out God’s Call to Love

At Regina Caeli Academy, God’s plan for our lives is at the center of everything we do. Our students, parents, and tutors are united in forming the whole person to become the saint that God is calling them to be. We celebrate when our students find the way that God has planned for them to give their whole lives in love and service. Aiden Duvall and Gabriella Brandenburg, graduates of Regina Caeli’s Baton Rouge center, are two such students who have discerned God’s will for their lives and are bravely and joyously pursuing their call. This is their story. 

Aiden and I have known each other since we were in Kindergarten and first grade, even though we weren’t really friends until we started taking a Latin class together in 2013. When our mothers opened up the Baton Rouge chapter of Regina Caeli in 2016, Aiden and I became very close. We started dating the following year, and have been growing together and falling deeper in love ever since! 

We were inspired by the witness of our high school tutors at Regina Caeli. Their joy in living out their vocation was apparent even in their casual interaction with us at the center. From them we experienced that God is the author of many different, beautiful love stories.  I am in awe of His creativity! We loved talking to our tutors at lunch time and listening in to the seniors’ Catholic Doctrine discussions.

The RCA Catholic Doctrine class and the Baton Rouge March for Life trip heavily influenced me and Aiden’s conception of marriage. In Catholic Doctrine, we learned the Catholic perspective of marriage and its covenant nature. On the March for Life, we were amazed by the beauty of Theology of the Body. We were blessed with many opportunities for prayer and Adoration together that allowed us to prayerfully discern our vocation.  

Just like the Holy Spirit has moved our hearts to realize that we should get married, He also slowly transformed the fears that both of us held against commitment. Gradually, Aiden and I realized that we were not afraid anymore, but we’re actually excited to live out a covenant with one another even with all the sacrifices that it may entail. Almost more importantly, we realized how ready we are to receive the graces of the Sacrament of Marriage. 

Aiden and I are best friends! And even more than that, we complement each other in the way that God has designed us- both physically and spiritually. We love discovering ways that God has formed our hearts so differently yet so perfect for one another. We are excited to live together as each others’ greatest supports and grow together as the Lord leads us to new adventures!


Let us pray for Aiden and Gabriella and ask God to superabundantly bless their marriage!


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