The Regina Caeli Difference

Faithful & True
Our content is consistent with the teachings and intellectual tradition of the Catholic Church.

Virtue Centered
Prayer is incorporated into daily routines, and beautiful, timeless sources are used to teach the faith.
Homeschool Friendly
Our hybrid model supports parents as the primary educators of their children.
Classical Education
The Value of a Catholic Classical Education
Modern education was a revolutionary pivot from how all the great thinkers in the Western tradition were educated (the classical model).
A Catholic classical education strives to return to those principles and equip students to pursue right judgment and Truth with devotion.
Students receiving a classical education in the Catholic tradition will strive for mastery in the liberal arts, study the greatest works of Western literature alongside the original languages they were written in, and develop discipline in the intellectual and spiritual life.
They will have the door of their life opened wide to true happiness, freedom, leisure, and purpose.

“And so, in the spirit of the Divine Master, We have directed a helpful word…on various points of Christian education, with that solicitude which becomes the common Father of all the Faithful, with an insistence in season and out of season… Such insistence is called for in these our times, when, alas, there is so great and deplorable an absence of clear and sound principles, even regarding problems the most fundamental.” -Divini Illius Magistri (Pope Pius XI, December 31st, 1929)
Raising Students in the Catholic Tradition
"[T]here can be no ideally perfect education which is not Christian education."
- Divini Illius Magistri (Pope Pius XI, December 31st, 1929)
Pursuing Truth
Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the Queen of Heaven, Regina Caeli Academy provides a challenging classical education in the Catholic tradition. We recognize the Incarnation as the central event in human history; accordingly, we must direct our students – through the curriculum and through our relationships – to Truth himself.
Daily Prayer
RCA incorporates daily prayer routines into the academic day by starting each class period or subject with a prayer. Beginning with our youngest learners, we introduce beautiful, timeless sources that teach the faith in an engaging manner.
Christ-Centered Learning
We utilize primary and secondary sources written by the Church and her Saints in our humanities and theology courses. We prioritize selecting curriculum materials that promote cultivation of virtue and provide students with the opportunity to see Christ in every subject they study.
Integration of Faith
Our lesson plans for all subjects naturally integrate the faith with each topic of study. RCA recognizes that the God-given gifts of faith and reason must coexist; we cannot hope to build one without the other. Accordingly, we seek to prepare our students successfully for their earthly and eternal vocations, and we are confident that an RCA graduate is indeed ready to follow God’s path for their life.

Our Curriculum
Benefits of a Classical Curriculum
Following the great intellectual tradition of the classical liberal arts, Regina Caeli® curriculum utilizes a classical methodology that rests on the concept of the Trivium, Latin for “the three ways” of learning: grammar, logic and rhetoric – which correspond to a student’s naturally maturing mind. Classroom work such as narration, picture study, presentation, and oral and written persuasion show the interconnectedness of all knowledge through the contemplation of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. Classical education based on the trivium, integrated classical books, art and music, and idea-focused instruction provides students with the foundation to live a principled life and is proven to cultivate wisdom and virtue so that the love of God may abound more and more.
Our Curriculum
Curriculum Map